Our Rucking Women Facebook Group grows steadily with 1,600+ while our private platform hosted on Mighty Networks grows by 2-3 women per day with over 200 members. These women are ACTIVELY seeking products, services, programming, events, experts, and community about rucking, walking, and outdoor fitness.
Facebook Group sponsorship areas include: top banner, posts, lives, and events
Private Group sponsorship areas include: posts, lives, events, and a designated sponsored Space thats private or public to members
Also available are:
Newsletters that goes out to 900+ women 2x per month. Ad space and blurb space available
Blogs home to long form articles and embedded videos and photos
Events in-person that need sponsorship or a private, one of a kind event you want to throw
As you can see we have many effective and fun opportunities to get your business products and services in front of active rucking and walking women! We welcome you to apply. We chose businesses who are aligned with our values, mission, and open to unique collaboration!